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Women's Entrepreneurship

Helping women achieve their full potential is one of the most powerful ways to fight poverty. Yet in many countries where TechnoServe works, they have limited access to resources like land and finance, and, in most cases, shoulder the bulk of household and childcare responsibilities. All of this impedes their efforts to improve their skills and earn independent incomes.


By giving to TechnoServe, your investment helps women around the world enhance both their incomes and their opportunities. From teaching a small businesswoman how to improve her sales and hire more workers, to training a woman farmer to lead agronomy training in her own community. Your donation helps give women equal opportunity to achieve their dreams.

Invest in the enterprising people we serve...

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Women's Entrepreneurship

Helping women achieve their full potential is one of the most powerful ways to fight poverty. Yet in many countries where TechnoServe works, they have limited access to resources like land and finance, and, in most cases, shoulder the bulk of household and childcare responsibilities. All of this impedes their efforts to improve their skills and earn independent incomes.


By giving to TechnoServe, your investment helps women around the world enhance both their incomes and their opportunities. From teaching a small businesswoman how to improve her sales and hire more workers, to training a woman farmer to lead agronomy training in her own community. Your donation helps give women equal opportunity to achieve their dreams.

Social Impact

Production Increase

If women farmers had the same access as men to training, information, and resources, they could increase production on their farms by up to 30%.

Increase in Global GDP

A recent study estimated that women’ equal participation in the labor market would increase the global GDP by 26%, or $28 trillion.

Making Markets Work for Women Entrepreneurs

TechnoServe works creatively and proactively to help women around the world gain equal access to the knowledge, jobs, and finance that enhance both their incomes and their opportunities for the future.

Making Markets Work for Women
Coffee Alliance For Excellence

CAFE is a public-private partnership working to create a more prosperous and inclusive coffee sector. The program is helping 12,000 coffee farming families, many of them in former coca-growing regions, to earn more sustainable livelihoods by improving productivity and quality and building links to profitable markets.

Coffee Women